Sunday, 31 December 2006


I've was looking through old photo's to try and find a photo of my uncle and found a load of photo's of cats mainly my mothers.

see the photos at

My Favorite cat was Mercky named after the Mercedes Benze car by my Brother robert who could not live with her destruction of his house so gave the cat to my mother. Mercky was eventually run over by work colleague of mine who came to work and jokingly said does anyone own a unlucky black cat on Birchwood lane, yes.

Out the photos Scooby is the only cat still alive, he's 16 years old and looking rather thin these days.

Columbus was my cat died just over a year ago at 3 years old from poisoning, Tommy was a Family cat when I lived at my mums, Shelly was Scooby's sister and lived with my mum as did Tiger and Suki, Jodi I not sure why I have photo's of was cat owned by brothers ex-girlfriend I think. Spongy never made it to adulthood because he played dare with cars to often.

I owned 2 other cats but have no photos them the 1st was Socrates or Socks, and then I had Bodica.

I hope to find a new cat this January we will see what happens

Saturday, 30 December 2006

Uncle Trevor

Uncle Trevor and Aunty Rose

My Uncle Trevor Hunt died today at 8am

Lost to cancer, he had been a very bad way on morphine for the last 2 weeks, and was fighting a chest infection.

Thursday, 28 December 2006

TV is a Habit

This year I forgot how to watch the television, I’m not saying I don’t watch it, I’ve just got out of the habit.

It started because I was busy at work, busy with Shards, busy online, busy reading, busy making bits and bobs before I new it I had missed a couple of episode of this or that and couldn’t get back into them. I’ve gone from someone who watched 3 or 4 series a week, plus news, and the odd other program or a film, possibly 2 hours of telly a day when in, to someone who struggles to watch 2 hour a week unless you count DVD’s.

I’ve tried to get interested in TV over the Christmas break and failed, the telly was switch on tonight I was going to watch a DVD but I’ve failed to watch it, the Telly is still on I can see the light flickering off the wall, best go watch whatever on or switch it off.

So far since Christmas Eve I’ve watched Dr Who and a bit of news tonight about a helicopter crash.

So who has seen the trailer for ‘The 300’

Wednesday, 20 December 2006


Last night I went to see "Eregon", someone told me the story was written by a 15 year old and you can tell, the dialogue is rubbish, overall it past an evening, but didn't create, any tension, surprises, humour etc. so I won't be recommending it, unless you are 12 or less, well I guess that's all of you then.

Eregon 4 out 10.

Sunday, 17 December 2006

It's nearly Christmas

So this weekend I completed my Christmas shopping, went to a party in Birmingham, was visited by my younger brother and created some picture collage's of photo’s for this blog.

Christmas shopping is always rather stressful, and although it’s only a week until Christmas day to be actually complete this early is unusual for me.

This year I decided I was going to try buying everything online as I don’t find that method of shopping stressful at all, but I failed perhaps 60% was bought that way, the rest needed me to wander around the shops with the other crazy lost millions and look for inspiration.

Now Sunday afternoon, wrapping presents, the sun is shinning and life is good, dam work tomorrow.

Friday, 15 December 2006

Photo check

To anyone in my friends compilation photo (bottom of page) that does not want to be there let me know and I will remove you, it seemed impossible to ask you all, some of you I've lost contact with, so hope its OK.

And anyone not in the compilation that thinks they have been missed, I obviously did not have good photo. so send me one.

Thursday, 14 December 2006

1st post

Not sure why I need this but I was pointed by a friend to google documents and this led me look at other features of Google and I followed a link to blogs and found myself playing with this site.

I do my posts on Live Journal since most of people likely to read them look there, and LJ has other features that this blog doesn't making it more like a diary so you can filter who reads what. (for instance anyone not registered on my LJ friends list will only see public posts)

So what do I use this for (answers welcome) I can post things from LJ here, at least the non private posts, perhaps they will get looked at more, I'm not sure, I can also point my non LJ user friends here to see my public comments.

Time to send a email out to a few friends and see what happens, although I think I should post something worth reading 1st.