Sunday, 21 October 2007

Whats part goat, lion and snake

I spent this Saturday in the new Chimera Shop, since Heather asked me if I could be Saturday girl while Andy was away getting his kids injections sorted and her other Saturday girl is in America.
I arrived at the shop around 10am with few Kids in there already, I'm calling them shop orphans since they seem to have been abandoned by there parents, a couple were there until mid afternoon and one lasted all day and was returning Sunday.
Encouraged to play a few games I had small crowd for a game of Pirates and then played a game of D&D skirmish, both I did not know the rules for, Pirates I kinda made up the rules, since they would not wait for me to read the rule book, D&D I managed to get the basic idea before we played.

Overall a OK day I left about 4.30pm, having only intended to stay until Andy got back, but Heather gave me coffee, and the kids wanted to play, so I stayed.

I’ve posted a picture of the shop below, click for a larger image, but you can see more picture here on the website I updated Sunday with a few extra pages, a preview of Dave's Logo, which I'm still waiting the artwork for so I used a photo of the shop window.

The shop itself is very good, lots of things I could buy, and I like the sound of the plans to improve it, official opening Day is going to be Saturday 24th of November for anyone interested.

On Saturday evening I decided to watch the Rugby, I like the big sporting occasions, but generally don’t follow any sports since for that you need free weekends, which a few in number, or a be very keen on sports, which I'm not, still I enjoyed the game even though England lost.

Sunday was a shopping day, but one of those were you look and don’t buy, a trip for inspiration.

I also managed to find a place to leave plastic carrier bags for recycling, my local Morrison's now has a large steel container thing in the carpark, which is far better than Sainsbury’s cardboard bin which held about 10 carriers and was always overflowing, so I dumped about 6 months worth of carrier bags.

On side note my mother had to have the builder round for her cat, which had crept behind a kitchen cupboard, up a vent from the cooker and got stuck, the builder arrived to remove the kitchen unit just as the cat re-appeared :S after screaming for over 2 hours.

Tip of Day: don’t go down a road when a ploughing competition has just finished, not only do you get a bottle neck of slow moving tractors, but them sharp plough blades look very dangerous swinging about on there chains and hinges as they go down the road behind ancient machines.