I had a quiet end to week, apart trips to the shops I've not left the house, my produce for the weekend appears to be yet more painted figures, yet more figures to paint courtesy of volunteering to help AndyL with his army for Ascendancy.
Below is photo of the painted Eldar for my 40K army.
I collected 40 plastic figures from AndyL to paint, which being plastic needed 1st assembling, the smell of glue giving me headache as I spent 2 1/2 hours Saturday evening gluing the 1st 20 together, for the rest I opened the windows and did Sunday morning. I also tried to undercoat them outside, however I did not realise the strength of the wind which blew the figures off the board and the black spray backwards over mind hand, so I gave that up and will try again on a less windy day.
Apart from that I got a haircut, entertained my cat, watched TV, but did no cleaning, no tidying, no ironing, no household chores whatsoever.
Jasmine was pain with both my figure painting and photos wanting to get in on the act of both, as can be seen by the photos below when I tried to photograph my Eldar.
She also decided to drink my pink paintbrush water, (pink due to the red figures I had painted), and knock off the table 10 figure I left balanced (foolishly) while the varnish dried and I made a cup of tea.
Anyway a couple of photos of Jasmine outside having a grass lunch.
Chemical Formulas
2 days ago