Christmas day spent at my mums, but apart from my sister my other 2 brothers and kids did not stay for Christmas dinner which was traditional turkey, brussels etc. why don't we eat brussel sprouts more often they are a fine vegetable.
Although my brothers did not stay we did open all the family presents at my mums which is a little tradition, still possible because we all live within 30 minutes of her, my nephews got a remote control helicopter each which they flew round the house, my mothers cat could not take her eyes off them, pupils fully dilated she occupied the high ground wherever the helicopters flew although the kids had stern warning to keep them away from the cat.
I bought my mum a learn to paint kit and make your own doll, something to do now she has fully retired, at this moment I'm not sure if they are a good idea or not I will only find out if I see them used. I also bought the same make your own doll kit for my friend Deb which did get appreciative comments.
On Boxing day (the day when we make boxes and have boxing matches of course its a Family thing *wink* ) I went to Andy and Linda's, I spent the afternoon at a football match Derby County v Liverpool and then went back for tea. I saw their son fellow larper Christopher for the 1st time since he went university, but didn't have chance to speak since he was going out with his girlfriend. I bought his sister Katie a silly hat for one her present unfortunately it actually suited her, dam I had accidental taste, but the one I bought Linda was silly enough to get me in trouble.
I left Andy and Linda's early evening since a cold was brewing and my brain had switched to standby mode, so I never got to play Kill Dr Lucky, which I was hoping to do and went straight to bed with a lemsip.
Thursday I was knocked out and did very little except sneeze and wipe my nose, I couldn't read or do anything so just focused on the telly, Friday I was meant to be at work, but woke feeling dreadful, and that combined with the time of year I decided not go in, but I'm now feeling reasonable, so tomorrow I may venture outside the house.
Oh and Jasmine had a strange scary glove bought her photo below which she loves.
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