Had great fun this weekend all be it very tiring, at the Ascendacy lrp Science of Murder event, probably the nearest Ascendancy will ever get to a traditional murder mystery.
Yes the Butler did it, although the butler killed himself after transferring the murder victims brain into the butlers body, so I suppose the butlers body did it, but not the butlers consciousness I'm sure that makes sense to all my readers.
My main contribution to the event was lots of steam punk props which I will write about separately soon, plus a really obnoxious character.
I enjoyed watching Dave's comedy Cybernetic Gorilla handler who forgot his name and did eventually unleash his not so deadly Gorilla. I did have a lot of fun being in the middle of two or three players mad pressing of the "Do not press this Button" moment which resulted in a couple of hours of chaos and brain swapping.
Anyway this is a quick post with a few photograph below, as soon as I have chance I will put the rest on the photos of players Ascendancy web site.
My steam punk props specially prepared for the event
Julie and Andy the two rotters who tried to steal the money my character was about inherit.
Heather with her urchins pre yellow face paint, which is pre red face paint.
Heather playing a combat nun
Chemical Formulas
2 days ago
Cracking photos, I'd not spotted the Heron one anywhere else! doh!