Saturday, 17 January 2009

Photo 3 of 52

My photo this week was taken as I visited a local town centre Mansfield (home of Britains double swiming gold medalist) shopping this morning.

I also took the photograph below with a question.
What happened to the market, the market sqaure used to be full of stalls, now only basically half a dozen fruit and veg stalls and a couple of burger vans, perhaps market day is in the week not Saturdays?


  1. What I find striking about this, is how few people there were considering this is the town centre on a Saturday morning. Did you go out very early?

  2. It was around 10.30am, which I wouldn't class as early, but some shops don't open until 10am

  3. Strewth Mansfield is DEAD, Ripleys busier than that......
